It's been a long time to remember that I used to be the young student in Applied Forigne Language Departments.
During my life in college, I have to take many courses related to English.
My favorite lesson is Speech course.
Althouge we have to prepare one paper to demostrate every week, I enjoy the time to stand on the stage.
Ha..Maybe I always got compliments from my professor...
I still remembered one time he told me: Tiffany, you look like the fright attendant but never to be it 'cause I think you can find a better job...
As I talked about my favorite  lesson, I got to tell you my dislike one.
That is my writing lesson...
My professor is from England, named Ben.
He is very serious about what you write.
I am the one he always ask me to write again...'casue he thinks my writing cannot fully express what I am going to say.
Actually,I think I do....
This is the first paper in my webnote...I hope I can keep write it!

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